
Western Canada Pictorial Index 1976 - 79

From 1976-79, I worked for the Western Canada Pictorial Index which was housed at the University of Winnipeg. The Index was the collection of historic photographs that was built upon an earlier collection done for Manisphere. It was helmed by Eric Wells, formerly of the Winnipeg Tribune. I suggested and was allowed to photograph contemporary events to add to the index. I began covering job actions, protests, events, solar power installations and sports projects. After leaving that position, the Index was placed under private ownership but was eventually returned to the University. I had kept copies of the few photographs presented here but do not know if the collection is still intact.


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Piper on the occasion of the last CN passenger train passing through Winnipeg before Via Rail became the carrier, Winnipeg Mb.


Sleeping car porter on the last CN passenger train passing through Winnipeg before Via Rail became the carrier, Winnipeg Mb.


Chef on the last CN passenger train passing through Winnipeg before Via Rail became the carrier, Winnipeg Mb.


Conducter on the last CN passenger train passing through Winnipeg before Via Rail became the carrier, Winnipeg Mb.


Spectator and piper at the last CN passenger train passing through Winnipeg before Via Rail became the carrier, Winnipeg Mb.


The last CN passenger train passing through Winnipeg before Via Rail became the carrier, Winnipeg Mb.


Performer with monkey at Red River Exhibition, Winnipeg Mb


Steam tractor at Red River Exhibition, Winnipeg Mb


Buskers at Market Square, Winnipeg Mb. Daniel Koulack at left.


Shoppers at Market Square, Winnipeg Mb


Line up at Manitoba Liquor Commision store on Burrows Avenue during rotating strike closures, Winnipeg Mb


Strikers at Manitoba Liquor Commision store on Burrows Avenue during rotating strike closures, Winnipeg Mb. “One Punch Paul” on left


Tuning up at Fort Garry Family Fun Day, Winnipeg Mb


Hoop dancer at Pow wow at Convention Center, Winnipeg Mb


Participant at Pow wow at Convention Center, Winnipeg Mb


Safeway grocery workers on strike, Westwood, Winnipeg


Safeway grocery workers on strike, Westwood, Winnipeg


Joe Zuken, with hand raised, protesting the closing of Portage and Main to pedestrian traffic, Winnipeg Mb


Protestor at the closing of Portage and Main to pedestrian traffic, Winnipeg Mb


Joe Zuken climbing a barrier at the closing of Portage and Main to pedestrian traffic, Winnipeg Mb

Protestors at the closing of Portage and Main to pedestrian traffic, Winnipeg Mb


A man with a message at the closing of Portage and Main to pedestrian traffic, Winnipeg Mb


Protest at Unemployment Insurance Commision offices, Edmonton and Ellice, Winnipeg Mb


Small steam engine demonstration at the Austin Thresherman’s Reunion, Austin Mb


Heavy horse teams at the Austin Thresherman’s Reunion, Austin Mb


Sphinx sculpture on the Manitoba Legislative building, Broadway Ave Winnipeg Mb


Participant at Pow wow, Ellice and Balmoral, Winnipeg Mb


Children watching a performance at Pow wow, Ellice and Balmoral, Winnipeg Mb


2 Responses

  1. Hi Rob
    thanks for the walk down memory lane.
    Love the expressions on the kids watching the pow wow.

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