
The Pillow Fight, Big Woody hall 1985-86

When my children were young we stopped frequently in what we called “Heritage Playgrounds”. Playgrounds from another time that had not upgraded to current safety standards. The 12 foot ‘drop o’ death’ slide, metal heated to ‘ fry an egg’ levels in direct sunlight, was a favourite. Sadly, times had caught up to the pillow fighting posts at the Big Woody hall before my children arrived.

I photographed the competition and spectators in 1985-86.

Two opponents square off with pillows while balancing on a round beam about four feet off the ground. There are two catchers on either side to prevent any hard landings.


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Alec Eggie and Dale Foster readying for a pillow fight, Edie Hanson in the background, Big Woody Hall, Swan River Mb


Unknown opponent vs Joanne Armistead, pillow fight at the Big Woody Hall. Tim Reich and Bruce Hogg are the catchers on the right. Swan River Mb


Lori Rooks (l) and Elsie Speare… Bruce Hogg (catcher) on right. Big Woody Hall, Swan River Mb


Kylie Prieston, Corrie Foster, Cindy Hanson and Alec Eggie, Big Woody Hall, Swan River Mb


Pillow fight and spectators, Big Woody Hall, Swan River Mb


Sam Brandson and Bill Caruk, Big Woody Hall, Swan River Mb


Tom Barrow Sr., Sam Brandson and George Fierstine at Big Woody Hall, Swan River Mb


Unidentified vs Steve Hanson, Big Woody Hall, Swan River Mb


Combatant and Lorne Hrappstead and Alec Eggie (catchers), Big Woody Hall, Swan River Mb


Unidentified and Wayne Brooks, Big Woody Hall opening, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Ryan and Cam Hanson, Kylie Prieston and Cindy Hanson Big Woody Hall opening, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

L. to r. Bruce and Kristi Hogg, Gwen Hrappstead, Donalda Mills (bg), Gertie Chegwin and Eggie Sigurdson (bg right) at opening of new Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Unidentified combatants with Norman and Alec Eggie (catchers) in the foreground, Big Woody Hall opening, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Pillow fighting at the opening of the Big Woody Hall, Swan River Mb. L. to r. Norman Eggie, and Alec Eggie (catchers), combatants are Melanie Bowles(McArthur) and Avryl White, Wayne Brooks (center), Dennis Bowles and Dean Caruk (catchers) and Garry Mills.

July 1 1986

Dean Caruk (catcher), Elsie Speare, Alec Eggie (catcher) and Melanie Bowles, Big Woody Hall opening, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Cindy Hanson, Big Woody Hall opening, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

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