
Pumpkin Creek Faire 1980


The Pumpkin Creek Faire was held at the Ski area near Roseisle Manitoba. I attended the event from 1979-1981 with most of my documentation being in 1980. To the lady spinning wool (about 17 photos in), I am sorry I lost/misplaced your address. If you see this, I will still make good on my promise to send a print.


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Entrance to Pumpkin Creek Faire grounds, Roseisle Mb


Village Green Dancers and Morris Men performing at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Lorraine Dugas having lunch at her booth; selling her crafted leather work, Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Spectators watching Village Green Dancers and Morris Men performing at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Village Green Dancers and Morris Men performing at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Seating and stage area at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Village Green Dancers and Morris Men performing at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Tame That Brush booth at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Food venue at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Stage area at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Chilean musicians of the group Millarapue at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Main stage at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Pony rides at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Pony rides at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Swinging at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Petting farm at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Spinning wool at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Larry Fisher (right) playing with Leif (?) at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Hairdressing salon at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Corn rows were the rage at the hairdressing salon, Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Games of chance booth at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


The gamblers at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Pie in the Sky booth at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Musical performance at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Musical performance at the Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


An audience member at musical performance, Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


Audience at musical performance, Pumpkin Creek Faire, Roseisle Mb


11 Responses

    1. Jeff
      My partner in pies, Michaelin McDermott, and I made the pies and ran the booth, which we built. Saskatoon, rhubarb, strawberry, apple. we picked the berries too. It was very labour intensive . In today’s world, each slice would cost $12.00! We made no money but had a great time doing it.

      Your cactus at Old Grace is thriving.

  1. This can’t be 1980. Is it 1979? In 1980 the Teepee restaurant was there, friends of mine. The Punch and Judy Show and Rick Scott and Joe Mock-Pied Pear were there. They invited everyone to come onto the stage under the canopy to get out of the rain. I see a bunch of friends that I didn’t remember performing in 1980, Larry, the Brunskills and the Village Green Morris Dancers. I notice Barb Simmons was there getting her hair done. Al was not there in 1980 either. I couple of friends of mine had booths there that I don’t see here. Are there any more pictures?

    1. In the introduction I said the photos were taken 1979-81. All of the dates are c.1980 (circa 1980) which means they are around 1980. There are more photographs, but these are the ones I have chosen to exhibit. Thank you for your interest.

      1. Oh, now it makes sense. Sheila Brunskill says they played in 1980 and there are pictures of her and Gregg so I forwarded this to her. I looked though the photos again and thought I might have seen Joe Mock in the background in one. Do you have more pictures? If so I would love to see them.

        1. No offence Ann, but as I said, these are the photographs that I have chosen to exhibit. As a documentary photographer, my purpose in taking the photographs was not to provide an inventory of the people involved but create a story of the occasion. Scanning a photograph takes time, expends resources and, in the case of images I exhibit, requires aesthetic choices. I appreciate your interest and hope you will explore the archived exhibit section on my site for other stories. All good wishes…

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