
King Motors Fire 1975

“On Wednesday afternoon, November 26, fire completely destroyed the premises of King Motors Limited, owned and operated by Helen King.

Shortly after the alarm was sounded, the building was virtually engulfed by flames with heavy black smoke billowing from the inferno. The fire started in the area of the repair shop and in spite of the quick action of the local firemen, rapidly spread to the parts department and showrooms. In no time the structure was a mass of flames with no hope of saving it. Fortunately, there was enough time to allow the records and books to be rescued from King’s.

The local fire department worked hard to contain the fire and to keep it from spreading to the building next door. Volunteers quickly emptied the stock and records from the premises of Riddell’s Plumbing and Heating where some water and smoke damage was sustained. No one was seriously hurt during the holocaust.”

– Swan River Star and Times 1975

A shout out to all first responders and with thanks to Glen McKenzie for the research.

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November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975
November 26 1975

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