Current exhibition


Big Woody Hall opening 1986

This exhibit is from the area where I grew up. I went to McVey school, a country school, from grades one to eight. Big Woody school was the hub for all of the schools in a 10 to 15 mile radius. They had a sports field with more than one baseball diamond, a hockey rink and a hall. Field days were held there with several schools competing. The Big Woody Beavers hockey team nibbled and gnawed their way to victory on the ice. Weddings were celebrated with receptions and dances at the hall.

The rural school districts were closed in 1967. Some were used as community centers/places of worship for short periods but, with an aging population and young people who had become used to going to “town” every day, soon closed or were sold. Big Woody is the exception. The community continues and on July 1 1986 a new hall was opened.

Big Woody School District #1621 was formed in 1912. In the early days the school hosted plays, debates and many social functions as well as students. In 1967 the rural schools were closed and students were bussed to Swan River. The hall remains open for debates, reunions, weddings and, hopefully, (one day) a play.

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Mervyn Minish at opening of Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1, 1986

Mervyn Minish and Len Harapiak, MLA Swan River at opening of Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1, 1986

Mervyn Minish with Reeve Harold Ellingson at opening of Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Mervyn Minish with Delores White bringing greetings from Brian White MP at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Glenn Eggie with a plaque from the Province at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Opening of Big Woody hall; L. to r. Bruce Hogg, Donalda Mills, Mervyn Minish, Gertie Chegwin, Fay Foster, Glen Eggie, Florence Foster and David Eggie, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Gertie Chegwin cutting the ribbon, Donalda Mills and Florence Foster assisting, at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

L. to r. Lyn Crane, Donalda Mills, Gertie Chegwin and Florence Ray handing out pieces of ribbon after ceremony opening the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

L. to r. Stanley Brandson, David Hogg, Tom Barrow and Bruce Brandson at the opening of Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Dave Hogg and son at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Lyle Eggie with son at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

George Fierstine, Alex Eggie and Cam Caverly at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Bruce Brandson, Tom Barrow, Bruce Hogg, Cameron Hanson and Larry Prieston at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Ryan and Cameron Hanson, Kylie Prieston and Cindi Hanson in the foreground at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Pillow fight between unidentified and Wayne Brooks at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Pillow fighting at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb. L. to r. Norman Eggie, Alec Eggie (catcher), combatants are Melanie Bowles and Avryl White, Wayne Brooks (center), Dennis Bowles, Dean Caruk (catcher) and Garry Mills.

July 1 1986

Cindi Hanson pillow fighting at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Dean Caruk, Elsie Speers and Melanie Bowles pillow fight at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Bruce and Kristi Hogg, Gwen Hrappstead, Gertie Chegwin and Eggie Sigurdson (bg right) at opening of Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Ryan Hanson (bg), Jim Chegwin, Eddie Sigurdson, Beth Brown, Betty Sigurdson, Dorothy Minish and Ilene Orr at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Lori Rooks and Melody Brooks at opening of Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Helping out for the first time at bat at the opening of Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Trish Down, Archie Hogg, Florence Foster and Cam Hanson at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Batting out flys at the Big Woody hall opening, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Glen Eggie, Garry Mills, Sam Brandson, Meta, Olie and Don Brandson and Lindsay Wotherspoon at the opening of Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Preparing lunch at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Betty Down and Dave Hogg with Jean Fierstine and Sheila Pyott at opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

Luncheon at the opening of the Big Woody hall, Swan River Mb

July 1 1986

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